Friday, April 3, 2015

Tips for the Solo Traveller

Here are some links to great articles regarding solo travel.  Most of these tips worked well for me during my first solo trip abroad.  This article recommends leaving an itinerary with a friend or family member.  I was just staying in Rome, so I texted my sister every night that was back in my room safely.  She knew where I was staying and where to send the cavalry if I ever didn't check in.

And the all important article on what not to wear!  This is really important, especially for women, when visiting Muslim countries or religious sites.  Most tourists to Egypt, particularly Americans, dress exactly as they would at home for temperatures that range into the 100s.  Even my tour guide i Egypt told me we were going to be in tourist areas around other tourists, so it was ok to dress like I would at home.  I took the opposite tact, however.  I was in their country, and wanted to respect their customs, so I wore long pants, and kept my cleavage and shoulders covered.  When visiting the Vatican, you will not be allowed into the Sistine Chapel if your knees and shoulders are not covered.

And if you're on a budget like I usually am, this will come in handy.  AirBnB is a great resource for finding small, reasonably priced accommodations.  Most offer free Wi-Fi, and some even include breakfast.  Another perk is that you're staying in a residential area as opposed to highly touristy area, so you'll more of a feel of what it's like to live in that city.

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